Chakra 6 - Ajna

Ajna is the sixth chakra or brow chakra. The word comes from Sanskrit meaning command or command wheel. The ajna chakra is also known as your "third eye".

It is located between your eyebrows on your forehead. The color associated with this chakra is indigo blue. This is the color of healing and represents a cool and clear level of consciousness. Indigo is the color used to unblock congested energy in parts of the body and works well to lower a fever or blocked emotions. It can reduce levels of inflammation and cool down stressed-out nerves. Indigo brings our awareness to a higher plane by opening our consciousness to what is limitless and expansive. It connects lucid thoughts and detached emotions. It is cool, antiseptic, and unearthly because it is the color of spirit, the higher mind, and clarity. This chakra is associated with light.

An image of the ajna chakra is below. It is a luminous indigo circle with two petals.

image of Ajna chakra

image of Ajna chakra

On a practical level, we are developing our own identity and the ability to recognize patterns. The basic issues of this chakra are image, intuition, imagination, dreams, insight, and vision.

The destructive emotion associated with this chakra is illusion.

When this chakra is in balance, you would be intuitive, perceptive, have a great imagination, memory and recall events clearly. This center is also responsible for the psychic ability of clairvoyance.

If the energy of this chakra is deficient you would be in denial, be insensitive, and have bad vision, poor memory recall, and a lack of imagination.

If the energy of this chakra is excessive, you would have hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, obsessions, and nightmares.

Physically, if this chakra is unbalanced, you would have vision problems and headaches, and difficulty concentrating.

Not sure if this chakra is out of balance? View our Chakra Assessment.

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