Chakra 2 - Svadhisthana
Svadhisthana is the second, or sacral, chakra. The name comes from the Sanskrit words Sva, meaning self, and adhistana meaning abode or dwelling place.
It is located in the genital area. The color of this chakra is orange. This is a hot color, full of vital energy, and deeply connected with the life force. This chakra builds a strong and viable immune system, and it keeps the physical body functional and active. This color stimulates physical energy in the body and can open channels of suppressed vitality from an overactive mind.
Wearing this color or painting a shade of it brings warmth, healing, and physical well-being. This chakra is ruled by the element of water. Water brings movement to the other elements and combines them to create life; without water, there would be no life.
An image of the Svadhisthana chakra is pictured below. It is an orange six-petaled lotus that represents the following modes of consciousness: affection, pitilessness, feeling of all-destructiveness, delusion, disdain, and suspicion.
image of Svadhisthana chakra
On a practical level, the second chakra's basic concerns are physical well-being, pleasure (allowing to give and receive), emotions, and the quality of deserving good things in our lives.
The destructive emotion associated with this chakra is guilt.
When the svadhisthana chakra is in balance, you would move gracefully, have the ability to experience pleasure, entitlement to the good things in life; whether they are food, relationships, or prosperity, the ability to nurture yourself and others, and have emotional stability.
If the energy in this chakra is deficient, you would have rigidity in both your body and attitude, you would have excessive boundaries, a lack of desire, passion, or excitement, which can lead to frigidity.
If this chakra is excessive, you would tend toward extremely strong emotions (bi-polar, mood swings, hysteria), obsessive attachment, and emotional dependency.
Physical manifestations of an imbalance in this chakra would be disorders of reproductive organs, spleen, or urinary system, low back pain, knee trouble, or menstrual difficulties.
Not sure if this chakra is out of balance? View our Chakra Assessment.